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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The most sexy automotive PR campaign by Alfa Romeo UK

Forget the Stig, this is the new secret :)

Alfa Romeo UK recently started a PR campaign on internet, Can You Handle Italian Passion? And this campaign became an internet phenomenon. Campaign is really creative and also challenging. You are trying to talk with a sexy Italian lady in London, actually in her flat.

This is an interactive video experience based on Flash, and you are being directed by options. Such as; where to sit and what to play in stereo. However in the last stage, you have to use your ability to continue! But that’s not easy, her mood can change unexpected and you may not end up very well!! So, be careful.

Unfortunately there is a minor problem with this website, it is only accessible from UK! I don’t know why but the whole experience is limited to UK! So, I did a favour to you all and uploaded only some parts of her. I hope that Alfa Romeo UK and their PR agency will be kind to allow this small show :) If I receive any request to remove the video, I will do so!

A small hint, she never does that thing!

Actually this website offers the same excitement which I had while driving the Alfa Romeo MiTo. Great job has done :) Below, you can find my other post about MiTo.

In terms of global Alfa Romeo image, this campaign is excellent, I wish that it was made for global campaign. Movie and the product definitely matches with each other. When you drive an Alfa Romeo MiTo Diesel, you will see what I mean! Totally unexpected, unpredictable and entertaining. Sounds like movie has the inspiration from the diesel :)

Pictures' and Videos' Copyrights
Alfa Romeo